When Should You Repair or Replace Your Deck?

Repair or Replace Your Deck

Do you need to repair or replace your deck?

This a question that every homeowner has to answer eventually. Time always takes a toll on a deck. Sometimes it’s the natural deterioration of the deck. Other times, it can be the result of a guest or yourself being less than careful. Most people can probably account for the number of times when people have been less than gentle with your outdoor space.

Regardless, there will be a point where you have to fix these problems. However, the way you tackle these damages will vary depending on certain factors. Sometimes, a little repair job will do the trick. But sometimes circumstances call for more drastic action. So, when should you repair or replace your deck? Here are a few things to consider before deciding!

Age of Your Deck

First of all, how old is your deck? Over time, your deck will take a beating from the weather and aging. Common issues will pop up, including:

  • Rotted Wood
  • Surface Problems
  • Unstable Railings
  • Damaged Posts
  • Water Damage
  • Insect Infestation

If your deck is newer, repairing these issues as they come is typically better. Fixing problems as they occur will help the longevity of your deck. However, if your deck is older, these issues will often compound with age. Furthermore, older decks can be outdated making them less structurally sound. If your deck is almost fifteen years old, replacing is often the best option.

Safety Check

Another important factor is safety. Is your deck safe? Before considering what is the best option for a deck, you should fully inspect your outdoor space’s condition. To ensure your deck is structurally sound and safe, you should look at:

  • Ledger Board
  • Beams and Joists
  • Fascia Board
  • Flashing
  • Posts
  • Railings
  • Deck Surface

All of these areas play a role in the overall stability of your deck. Inspecting them will help you catch any problems early, allowing you to repair them. However, if components like the ledger board are pulling away, your deck will need more than a repair job. It. is a good idea to get your deck inspected if it’s older than 10 years old.

If you are not confident inspecting your own deck, Miles Bradley offers deck inspections!

Cost of Repair or Replacement

Finally, there is the price tag. How much is going to cost to repair or replace your deck? A good rule of thumb to go by is that if the repairs cost more than a deck, then you should replace it. After all, what is the point of repairing your old deck when you can buy a new one for cheaper? The best way to know the cost of your deck’s repair or replacement is to get a quote from a construction company. If you want the best deck builders, then you should contact Miles Bradley.

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